Wiki 2019 wiki 2019 is a guide web page about game which is an addictive hit online browser game. This game is liked by everyone. This crazy game is considered to be the new by many people out there.
The Many Hidden Facts About Wiki wiki 2019 is an interesting and fun-filled game guide that deals with animals. If said in simple words, in this game you have to eat berries, mushrooms, and other animals in order to grow bigger. You can also drink water for your survival. But here is something you need to be careful about. There is an already existing established food chain.
When the player is trying to eat smaller animals, he needs to make sure that he doesn’t get eaten by the larger animals. The animals that are highlighted in green are your prey and animals that are red outlines are the player’s predators.
Every animal is special on its own. Pigs can slide in mud and their farts affect everyone. Lions can roar, penguins can slip on ice while dragons can fly very well. Fox has the capability to dig anyone out of the holes. Zebra and donkey can do more damage than any other animal. This is an easy and simple game to play. Cobra venom is very harmful. Whale’s tail has increased its range to damage others.
Dragons can hurt animals because they have the ability no cooldown. Pigeon also has a longer flight with a less cool down. Black dragons can even shoot double-shot fireballs. In the same way, there are many other animals and every animal has a special ability of its own. The player can figure all this out while he is playing the game with all his heart and interest.
More Insights into the Game
In the game, the animals are at their peak strength. The river’s current is four times as strong as it normally is. Just imagine if the current is this high, then no animal can resist the current until and unless they are immune to the river’s current. Not even the fastest ocean animals can resist the current of the river. The list of the animals who are affected is Initial, Second Wave, Third wave, Between Waves 3 and 4, Fourth Wave, Fifth Wave and Sixth Wave.
It can be played on handy devices like your mobile phones. The game is regularly updated. The categories of animals that can be found in this game include a Black dragon, dragon, Eagle, Phoenix, T rex, The Kraken, Toucan, and the Yeti!. There are many other animals and the player gets amazed when he comes across so many animals on one screen. wiki 2019 is a nice game guide and is good to enhance your knowledge about the animals and the animal kingdom. This is a simple and handy game and can be played anytime and anywhere. If you want to simply relax your mind then this is the perfect game for you. beta 2019 is actually a sandbox game mode that players know long ago.